Prerona Chatterjee

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Research Talks

Lower Bounds for some Algebraic Models of Computation

Lower Bounds for Sums of Ordered Set-Multilinear ABPs

Monotone Classes Beyond VNP

Lower Bounds Against Non-Commutative Models of Algebraic Computation

A Quadratic Lower Bound against Homogeneous Non-Commutative Circuits

Separating ABPs and some Structured Formulas in the Non-Commutative Setting

Lower Bounds in Algebraic Circuit Complexity

Lower Bounds in Algebraic Circuit Complexity

A Quadratic Lower Bound for Algebraic Branching Programs

Faithful Homomorphisms and PIT - A Short Survey

Algebraic Independence Testing over Arbitrary Fields

  • Student Rump Session, WIT, 2018, Harvard University.

Constructing Faithful Maps over Arbitrary Fields

Other Talks

A Quadratic Lower Bound for Homogeneous ABPs

  • Second Qualifier Presentation, TIFR, Mumbai.
  • Based on the paper by Kumar.

Linear Matroid Intersection is in quasi-NC

  • First Qualifier Presentation, TIFR, Mumbai.
  • Based on the paper by Gurjar and Thierauf.

Unbalanced Random Matching Markets

Compactness Theorem for Propositional Logic: A Topological Proof

  • Seminar Presentation, IIT Guwahati
  • Based on the lecture notes by Minnes.

Outreach Talks

How hard is it to solve this?

Interview by Gonit Sora

Just a Bit of String

  • Chai and Why?, Online.
  • Co-conducted as part of the TIFR Outreach team.

Just a Box of Matches

  • Chai and Why?, Online.
  • Co-conducted as part of the TIFR Outreach team.

How to convince ourselves that we are NOT stupid.

Fantastic Puzzles (and how to solve them)

  • Chai and Why?, Prithvi Cafe, Mumbai.
  • Co-conducted as part of the STCS Outreach team.

Can computers do everything?

Can computers do everything?

  • Frontiers of Science, 2018, TIFR, Mumbai.
  • Video.